Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pilar Rubio

Pilar Rubio nació el 17 de marzo de 1979 en Madrid, España. De una belleza fina que exhibe en la pantalla chica. Pilar entro al mundo de la televisión muy joven participando en varios programas como entrevistadora, el último programa en el que participa como reportera es en La Sexta llamado: Sé lo que hicisteis. Sus hermosos ojos verdes y sensualidad son su mejor arma.
Fotos Pilar Rubio en FHM.


I hope you enjoy looking at those paintings, sculptures and illustrations made by various artists.

"Cap Cod Evening", by Edward Hopper (1882-1967)

"Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy", by David Hockney (1937- )

"Woman with Dog" by Duane Hanson (1925-1996)

"Painter with Dog", by John Seward Johnson II (1930-)

Puppy, by Jeff Koons (1955- )

Cheshire Cat by Walt Disney

Snoopy by Charles M. Schulz (1922-2000)

Alice and the Cheshire Cat, by Lewis Caroll, (1832-1898)- Illustration by John Tenniel (1820-1914)

Tintin and Milou, by Hergé (Georges Remi) (1907-1983)

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Click on photo to enlarge

Monday, January 28, 2008

Kira Miro

Kira García Beltrán Miró nació el 13 de marzo de 1980 en Santa Brígida (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), España. Kira es actriz de profesión y una de las mujeres españolas mas hermozas. El 2007 Kira Miró tuvo el gran salto a la popularidad al protagonizar en la serie española Gaminolas a una sensual rubia. Su participación en la gran pantalla se extiende a Crime Ferpecto (2004), Isi Disi (2006) o El Próximo Oriente (2006), entre otras.
Fotos Kira Miró para Man y Maxim.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

How Does Car Insurance Work

car insurance auto qoute
Many of us know we have to have car insurance(or car insurance northern ireland) in order to get our license and tags. However there are some that don't really understand the actual policy or how it works to protect us. There are also different requirements for having a loan or lease on a vehicle rather than just owning it out right. Insurance companies ask a lot about our daily lives such as how we use the car, where we park it, and other aspects of driving to ascertain the risk we might pose to the vehicle they are covering.

Car insurance works in that we choose a level of coverage whether it is just liability or includes comprehensive and collision. There is also a choice in the amount of actual coverage regarding motorist, uninsured motorist, and medical. The amounts and type of coverage you choose is what will determine the premium you will pay on a month to month, six month, or yearly basis depending on the terms of your policy.
car auto insurance quote
The amounts you have chosen and the type of coverage will tell the car insurance company how much they will have to pay out in the event of an accident caused by you or another driver. In other words they cover the damage that affects the car. For certain damage like windshields you will have a deductible that you have to meet in order to process a claim. If you have damage to your car from a break in, a rock thrown at the windshield, or an accident that you have been in you have to report the issue to the company in order to get a payout. The car company is going to ask for full details regarding the claim, the information from the accident claim, such as any ticket given to you and of course any damage to the other car if you caused the accident. They will ask that the car be taken to one of their mechanics that they have in their company logs. The mechanic is then going to report the amount of damage and how much it will cost to fix it. The car insurance will then take the quote and all information. In some cases they may consider the car totaled and will not offer any settlement towards fixing the car.
Article Source:

First Car Buying Tips

I don't know about you, but when I bought my first car I didn't have a lot of information to go on for the process. I admit I had two cars previously to the first car I bought, but those deals were made by my father. He was the man with the money and he was paying for the cars outright. So when I decided to trade in my car for a different model and a newer vehicle I needed a little help from those who had bought cars before. I didn't want to make a mistake and get an unfair deal from a dealership or private owner. The great thing was I had my parents to help me find the information I needed to purchase that car. I even had my mom come help me make the deal. It took us a little over five hours and closing the joint, but I walked away with one of the best deals on a 2000 vehicle that I could have for my financial state as well as my credit history.

Car Buying Tips

What you need to know about buying your first car is quite simple. First you need to know all about the car you are interested in buying. You need to know what that car would cost new, what the used retail price is for a dealership as well as a private sale, and what condition the car is in. You also need to know if it has any bells and whistles added on to it as that will affect the price. Kelly Blue Book and other consumer reports will allow you to find out all of the information you need for a general search. Armed with this information you can negotiate a fair price. If you have a trade in you should also know the value on that for trading it in to a dealer as opposed to selling it privately.

You also need to know about your credit history. You need to know where your credit scores stand. You also want to know where you will stand regarding the dealership score. The look at your FICO score as well as a risk score that they calculate. They are basically looking to see if you can afford the car you are interested in buying. If you don't have a credit history that is very lengthy you can expect any car loan to be offered a little higher than seems fair. They are just trying to establish your risk and since you don't have much of a history they consider you more of a risk.

Once you know both the car facts and the financial situation you are in you are ready to deal. You let the dealerships know that you have done your homework. Also let them know you are willing to walk away if the deal isn't to your specifications, not there. There are several tactics they can use like saying, "We have to make some profit," or "I work on commissions." You have to be in control not the other way around.
Article Source:

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I hope you all enjoy my Friend's Pets series as I enjoyed to make it. Thoses thread of photos showed me that our friend's pets are cute, engaging, funny, lovely, cuddly, friendly and great companions!


Maggi, Kate's pet. (Now the dog is growing up with her granddaughter Olivia).

Calista, Deana's pet

In memory of Carvãozinho, Eduardo's pet

Clancy, Neva's pet

Cocoa, Bogie and Kahlil, Urban Agrarian's pets

Darius, Deana's pet

Duncan, Lynette's pet

Eudora and Earl, Deana's pets

Ike and Ava, Sugar Creek Farm's pets

Liberty and Ellie, Lynne's pets

In memory of Logan, Lynne's pet

Paco, Wesley Jeanne's pet

Preta, Henrique's pet

Ralph and Xingu, Laerte's pets

Rico and Buddy, Vitamin Sea's pets

Taz, Bunny and Guppy, Cathy's pets

Teddy, Riley, Bridget and Azzy, Cathy's pets

Truffles, Isabella's pet

Tucker, Lv2scpbk's pet

Click on photos to enlarge

Friday, January 25, 2008


January 25, São Paulo's Birthday!
Happy 454 years!

Photos of the "Pátio do Colégio" (The School Yard) by Carlos A. Mascaro

I was born and raised in the city of São Paulo. São Paulo is the capital of the State of São Paulo in south eastern Brazil. This post is a homage to the Birthday of São Paulo.

PÁTIO DO COLÉGIO. (The School Yard). "The Pátio do Colégio marks the place where the city of São Paulo was founded. It is the nucleus from which the town grew. São Paulo was founded in 1554 by Portuguese Jesuits who intended to convert the Indians to Christianity and to teach them their language. Three priests celebrated their first mass on Saint Paul’s Day on January 25, 1554; hence it became the name of the city. Pátio do Colégio is now a center for cultural activity. Initially a Jesuit school was built in this spot. Besides the school itself and a church, the Anchieta Museum is also housed here, displaying original sculptures by the Guarani native inhabitants, and a model reproduction of São Paulo in the 16th century."

I made many posts about São Paulo. You can see my city HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Carla Bruni

Carla Brunic es una supermodelo Francesa. sus fotos dieron vuelta al mundo al ser pareja del presidente Francés Sarkozy. Carla Brunic es cantante y para relanzar su carrera no tuvo mejor idea de posar desnuda para la revista DT la vcual sera publicael mes de Febrero de este 2008. Les dejamos la foto promocional para la revista.
Fotos Carla Bruni.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Wacky World of Car Insurance

car insurance ferrari ford quote auto
Car insurance is a legal requirement in the UK, and indeed most of the world, and yet there are some drivers who don't believe it's necessary. Now the law allowing police to seize any uninsured car has come into force, the number of uninsured drivers on British roads has fallen.

Traditionally, cars are insured against fire, theft, vandalism, and other damage from a third party. It's not so well known, however, that cars are also insured against Third Potato and Act of Cow…

No, you didn't read that wrong! In recent years, car insurance claims have actually been filed for more unorthodox reasons such as potatoes making a bid for freedom and getting lodged behind brake pedals, and cows deciding that a car looked like a tasty snack and having a lick, damaging the paintwork in the process.

And these are just the more believable motor insurance claims. Pity the driver who had a claim made against them because their car door opened by itself when they drove round a bend, launching a frozen kebab at a passing car and causing untold damage. Or the driver who suddenly found himself with a frozen squirrel as a passenger – the chilly rodent had fallen out of a tree and crashed through the unfortunate person's windscreen.

So when you're shopping around for that cheap car insurance policy, don't forget to ask if you're covered for Potatoes, Kebabs and Bovine Damage too…