Monday, December 31, 2007

Car Loans

Are you looking around for a loan that enables in buying a car? The loan market place is full of such lenders. All you have to ensure that you first make a good search for a suitable loan deal. It is advisable that you opt for Car Loans as these are carved out especially for the purpose. This means that the lender may relax terms and conditions, keeping your circumstances in mind.

Before applying for the loan, you should first know that interest rate and other conditions will depend a lot on your credit history. Take a copy of your credit report from the entire three credit rating agency and make sure that the report is without any errors and all your payment facts are correctly mentioned in it. Know your credit score also.

You must keep this fact in mind that you will get these loans at lower rate of interest if your credit history is unblemished and you have a good credit score. Lenders will charge interest at higher rate in case you have a blemished record of making payments in the past.

However, a low rate can also be ensured on taking these loans against your home or any property of good value. Or, the car you are going to buy can also be used as collateral. Lenders keep the car deal papers as collateral and let you drive it till you finally repay the loan. The secured loan is best suited also for bad credit history people.

Car loans come in unsecured options as well, without collateral. But only smaller amount is usually approved. For covering risks, lenders charge interest at higher rate. Both secured and unsecured loans are of shorter duration of up to 5-7 years.

Lenders want the borrowers to make down payment, which is lenders’ way of making the loan safer. So, if you make a sizable down payment, the loan approval comes without hurdles from the lenders. One can say that bad credit history people can ensure the loan on making good amount of down payment.

Prefer online lenders as they offer car loans at competitive rates. Their additional fees are also fewer as compared to banks or financial institutions. Ensure repaying the loan in time for escaping any debts.

Article Source:

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ana de la Reguera

Ana de la Reguera nació en Veracruz - México. Es actriz y presentadora de televisión muy conocida en su país, donde ha protagonizado numerosas telenovelas entre las que destaca Gitanas. Ana de la Reguera tambien presto su voz para el doblaje de la película Bee Movie.


Kim from the website KIMBOOKTU lives in The Hague, in The Netherlands. She has been an avid book lover and bibliophile since she was 18 and one day she decided to start a blog with reading gadgets. So you must come to visit YOUR SHELVES!

This is my bookshelf on Your Shelves!, December 9, 2007.

If you would like to see your bookshelf on Your Shelves! just write to Kim and send one good photo of your library via this e-mail link.

Information about the rule: Make sure the picture is exactly 500 pixels wide if horizontal. You can add a couple of lines describing your library, but make sure it does not exceed a hundred words (or five lines in Word). Please state your name and where you are from in your e-mail. If you have cataloged your books online via LibraryThing, Shelfari or something else, please send the link to your catalog too.

You can see some posts about Books I did
here, here and here.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The break down of insurance

Vehicles have long been a staple in the lives of most men and women today. Thanks to advancements in technology, many vehicles have become part playground, office, and even bedroom. There is not much that you cannot do from the driver's seat anymore.

The family car is more than a tool for just work and play; it is entrusted with the lives of you and your family on a daily basis. It can also be a status symbol for all of your past and present accomplishments in life. Cars really are more iatrical than some people would think. It only makes sense that you would have an auto insurance policy to protect this very important investment.

FYI About Auto Insurance

What exactly is auto insurance? It is more than just an added expense and piece of paper stuffed in your glove box. You even begin to wonder how needed it even is. Think of your auto insurance policy as a shield and a back-up generator all in one; it can keep you safe from the possible and unforeseen accident and/or mishap.

Auto insurance may not be able to prevent that other driver from careening in you or the lamp post from jumping into the middle of the road during a rain storm, but that little piece of paper can shelter you and your family from unnecessary harassment and further turmoil during a time when you may not be at your fighting best.

You have made the decision to obtain auto insurance for your vehicle. Do you know what is included in your policy? It is good to know what basic points of coverage your


company should be offering you:

1) Bodily injury liability covers any injuries you (and anyone listed on your policy) cause to someone else.

2) Personal injury protection takes care of medical expenses incurred if you or your family is inured in an accident. This can also pay lost wages, and even funeral expenses.

3) Property damage liability covers any damages you may cause in an accident.

4) Collision pays for any damage to your vehicle in an accident.

5) Comprehensive coverage is optional in many states; this pays for any damage that is not caused by another vehicle. Earthquakes, flooding, theft, riots, run-ins with animals, and falling objects are usually included.

6) Uninsured motorist coverage keeps you safe in the even the other driver is not insured, or you are involved in a hit-and-run accident.

Saturday, December 22, 2007





Olivia Olson, performing "All I Want for Christmas".

Bill Nighy as Billy Mack perfoming "Christmas Is All Around", ex-"Love Is All Around".

PS: A tip to hear the You Tube video without delay. Let's play one time and on the replay, it will all be fine.


Friday, December 21, 2007

Africa Zavala

Africa Zavala es una hermoza actriz Mexicana, que participó en varias telenovelas entre ellas Codigo Postal y protagonista de Peregrina novela donde actua junto a Eduardo Capetillo.
Fotos Africa Zavala revista Maxim 2006.

Virginie Gervais

Virginie Gervais es una modelo francesa de 28 años y reciente actriz porno. En 2005 se hizo famosa al ganar el concurso "Vecinitas" de la revista FHM. Más tarde se descubrió que la modelo habia hecho una película porno antes de ser famosa. Ese video apareció enseguida en Internet y la hizo aun más famosa. Fotos Virginie Gervais.

Paty Diaz

Patricia Díaz es el nombre completo de esta hermoza actriz nacida en Mexico. Paty es una telentosa actriz que participó en nuemrosas telenovelas Mexicanas entre las que destaca Rubi y su última participación en La Fea mas Bella. Fotos Paty Diaz Tevenovelas.

Paula Morales

Paula Morales es una bella modelo y actriz de 24 años, nacida en Uruaguay. Fue conductora de televisión en una temporada en Tendencia. Participó en bailando por un sueño, donde dejó ver todos sus atributos y encantos. Fotos Paula Morales.

Zahyra Amat

Zahyra Amat es una bailarina que se hizo conocida por participar en el programa de Fabian Gianola "Bien tarde". Nacio en Rosario, Argentina. Sus medidas son 105- 62-100, totalmente enloquecedora. Fotos Zahyra Amat en Paparazzi otro bombon de Argentina.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Lorena Bernal

Lorena Bernal nació el 12 de mayo de 1981 en San Miguel de Tucumán. Lorena desde muy pequeña radica en España donde participo a los 17 años en el Miss España ganando la corona. Sus anatomia bien formada y sus impactantes ojos verdes le permitieron iniciar su carrera como modelo de elite a partir de 1999. Actualmente radica en los Angeles donde busca una carrera en Hollywood, tuvo una exitosa participación en la serie "Chuck" transmitida por Warner donde Lorena hizó de una hermosa terrorista. Fotos Lorena Bernal.

Fotos varias super sexy

Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff mas conocida por su participación en la serie Lizzie McGuire de Disney Channel en el 2001, donde interpretaba a una adolescente con diversos promelas. Ahora Hilary a sus 20 años es actriz, cantante y diseñadora de modas, le va muy bien en la musica donde ya tiene 3 discos lanzados, sin duda una belleza imposible de pasar. Fotos Hilay Duff.

Courteney Cox

Courteney Bass Cox Arquette nació el 15 de Junio de 1964 en Alabama USA. Es una actriz y glamorosa modelo. Cox inicio su carrera como modelo para Ford Models, por su extraordinaria belleza fue elegida portada para la revista People representado a los "50 Most Beautiful People" en 1995. Este año Courteney Cox es Lucy Spiller, en la serie Dirt.